Help Fund Our Cause

Your Money Matters Here:

Help Fund VTC’s Life-Changing Programs

NCIA is a nonprofit founded in 1977 dedicated to bettering the lives of veterans, returning citizens, opportunity youth and those receiving federal assistance and others. We help guide our candidates through training in vocational pursuits like automotive repair or CDL licenses, help them attain their industry-required credentials, provide comprehensive support services and ultimately help them find profound, profitable work.

Good Grows

Your donations provide real, measurable success for our graduates, their families, their employers and the communities they touch. We serve 460 graduates annually. Each bit of good begets more, and it’s a ripple of positivity that moves outwards to all of us. 

Providing specialized vocational training and workforce development assistance to those who were incarcerated is helping to reduce recidivism rates in the communities we serve. Giving these individuals a purpose and feeling of success can be a strength that helps them to keep their lives changed for the better.

Special thanks to our current funding partners. 

Turning Stats Around

By the Numbers:

  • We place 75% of graduates in jobs.
  • 460 people are trained annually.
  • VTC alumni have extremely low (<5%) recidivism rate.
  • Alumni earnings ($15 – $31 per hour) put millions of dollars into the local economy annually.



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